Be care be healthy.

By vital statistics americans are living longer. May be the main course of this is more spending on healthcare, some about 2 trillion dollars a year. And that is very right, because if you don't care about your own health who will? "Today, health care is primitive because even the best medications treat only a few of the people for whom they are prescribed", Dr. Eric Topol, a nationally known and controversial expert on heart disease said. "Many individuals who take drugs cope not just with the expense, but with negative side effects that provoke the use of even more drugs."

“We're like the blind man with the elephant,” said Topol, 52, formerly provost and chief academic officer of the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic. He resigned from the clinic last year after clashing with colleagues and facing accusations of unethical ties to a hedge fund that traded stock in Merck, whose Vioxx drug he was criticizing.
But the medical science is not asleep too searched new way to prevent illnesses and to treat them.
For example reports on clever work at UCSD on detecting cancer that allow to detect early-stage cancer will require the development of sensitive assays that can identify simultaneously multiple biomarkers associated with malignant cells.

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